I have mentioned in earlier blogs about the fairly obvious statement that viewings are the lifeblood of estate agency.

I have kept records of the number of viewings carried out by our offices since we started some 18 years ago.  The average at my office is approximately 8 viewings per sale.  However, a trend I have noticed recently is that even though we are negotiating sales (124 in the last 10 weeks) the viewings per property has fallen.

I was speaking to one of my Partners about this trend and we came to the conclusion that it could be us to blame, in that we are providing so much information about properties now, with multiple photographs, floor plans, aerial shots, street view, google maps, etc.  Therefore, many prospective purchasers feel that they can dismiss a property without viewing.

However, this may not be such a good thing.  Just the other day, on showing a lady over a property, she commented how nice it was and how she genuinely liked it. She was glad that she had viewed because she was not sure if she should after seeing it on the internet.

Therefore, to any prospective buyers: Make sure you ring us and arrange to view – you may be pleasantly surprised!

Anthony Wood

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